Event Description:

Birthday Party (3 hours)

1:30pm, September 21, 2019

Birthday Party: 1:30pm to 4:30pm

Thank you for choosing Pinehaven Farm for your child's birthday party!

Cost: $90 for renting the space (Does NOT include price of General Admission for each person, please see 'Price & Hours' page on our website for General Admission price for the day you are coming.)

*If you have more than 30 guests you will have to purchase 2 party areas at the same time.

~In the "School or Organization" box, please enter Birthday Child's Name and Age they are turning.
~In the "Grade Level" box, please enter 'N/A'
~In the "Number in Group" box, please enter the approximate number of guests that will be attending, children and adults combined.
~In the boxes next to the add-on options, enter the number of children who will be participating in that add-on. Do not include children 2 and under. Add-ons are for children only.
~In the "Departure Time" box, please enter 'N/A"
~In the "Payment Method" drop down please select cash or credit. We do not accept personal checks.

Price:  $90.00 per group  (includes 30 people)

Extra Person Price:  $10.00 per person

Total Capacity of this Event:  4 groups

This event is no longer accepting reservations.